ISSN (online) 2544-1272
Rozprawy Naukowe 46 - 2014, 3-15
Atrakcyjność turystyczna i komercjalizacja wybranych obiektów turystycznych w opinii specjalistycznej grupy konsumentów
Wojciech Fedyk, Justyna Cieplik, Tomasz Smolarski, Izabela Gruszka
Tourist attractiveness and commercialization of selected tourist facilities in the opinion
of a specialist consumer group
The paper presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative research concerning selected aspects of tourist attractiveness of five various tourist attractions, as well as the scale of their commercialization and adaptation to modern tourist service. The research was carried out as a questionnaire for tourism professionals. The results prove vast disproportions among the selected attractions with reference to the adaptation level for realizing the tourist functions. The disproportions involved the tourist attractiveness, tourist management, scale of commercialization, and the techniques and tools applied in advertising aimed at selected tourist market segments.
Key words:
tourist attraction and attractiveness, tourist management, tourist product, commercialization
Słowa kluczowe:
atrakcja i atrakcyjność turystyczna, zagospodarowanie turystyczne, produkt turystyczny, komercjalizacja