ISSN (online) 2544-1272
Rozprawy Naukowe 33 - 2011, 5-11
Charakterystyka czynników wpływających na czas reakcji w nauczaniu i doskonaleniu startu niskiego
Krzysztof Maćkała, Piotr Cych
Effects of selected factors on reaction time and assessment of their validity in teaching and improving the block start
The theory and practice of sport science and training have shown that reaction time is a very valuable component of some sports and its link with the block start have a significant influence on the final result in sprinting.
The purpose of the research was to find the most important variables that have direct or indirect effects on the reaction time overall and the reaction time during starting action from the block. The subject of the research includes a literature review on reaction time and a sample of selected parameters of reaction time in sprint from the starting blocks. Based on the analysis of collected material some variables and determinants which can play a significant role in a block start improvement have been discussed. Further progress, i.e. a slight reduction in reaction time, will occur if the improvement concerns some individual factors. A significant improvement can take place only if those factors undergo a comprehensive modeling that will take into consideration: environmental conditions, training process (character of exercises and their load) and, first of all, the factors directly related with the athlete’s mind.