
ISSN (online) 2544-1272
Artur Ziółkowski, Barbara Zarańska, Joanna Piotrowska, Owidiusz Moska
A system of values and its types contrasted with fair play attitude of teenagers
on the verge of adulthood
A new era of youth and formation of a new system of values are much talked about. The aim of this study was to describe and explain the relationship between socioeducational factors and the growing popularity of the attitude of fair play among young people undertaking physical activity and at the same time experiencing the formation of a new system of values and morality.
Material and methods.
The study involved more than 600 senior high school students from 2 kinds of schools: sports-oriented and Christian. The study was conducted in Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot in 2000, 2008 and 2012. Youth for testing were chosen randomly, regardless of affiliation to these schools. The variable that differentiated respondents from these schools was involvement of young people in sport. An auditory survey was used during a lesson in a special research room.
General value system in general is an important and significant predictor of attitudes of fair play. High evaluation of the higher-order values, such as the truth, the holy and the moral, are of particular importance for the development of sports morality.
A way to change the negative trends in the axiosphere of today’s youth is educating young people in the values of fair play.
Key words: value system, fair play, adolescence
Słowa kluczowe: system wartości, fair play, adolescencja
Michał Lenartowicz
Dissemination of qualitative methodology in social research on physical education
and physical activity
The article discusses current methodological trends in social research on physical education (PE), physical activity (PA) and sport in research presented on AIESEP scientific meetings. Special attention was paid to the dissemination of qualitative research approach applied independently or parallel to the qualitative measurements. Such a mixed methodological compositions allow to obtain more comprehensive and in-depth view of many scientific issues of PE, PA and sport. The article presents up-to-date research examples and some practical recommendations for further investigations.
Key words: research methodology, qualitative research, physical education, physical activity
Słowa kluczowe: metodologia badań, badania jakościowe, wychowanie fizyczne, aktywność fizyczna
Karolina Zatoń
Evaluation of teaching quality in higher education
Evaluation, assessment and valuation are the concepts analysed and theoretically explained using the sociological, psychological, philosophical and pedagogical framework. External evaluation and assessment are essential for the humans to function smoothly in everyday life. This is particularly important in the case of people involved in the field of education. University educators – by nature – should be especially active and eager participants in evaluation of their work. The outcomes of their work are visible in either a successful or unsuccessful school graduate, which in itself is already an assessment of the teachers’ work. However, the fact remains that university teachers do not work isolated; each of them have some, often different, influence on their students. The assessment of a given teacher and classes they conduct can provide an appropriate opportunity for feedback, which will in turn lead to a change in, for example, the teaching model.
Key words: self-assessment, evaluation, feedback, university educator, student
Słowa kluczowe: ocena, ewaluacja, informacja zwrotna, nauczyciel akademicki, student
Jerzy Urniaż, Marzena Jurgielewicz-Urniaż
Social activists and their responsibility for the development of football in Olsztyn province (1945–1989)
This article attempts to trace out the operation of social activists and their responsibility for the development of football in 1945–1989 in the province of Olsztyn. In the early post-war years, soccer teams were created by newly established institutions and companies. This situation led to trade particularism, strong support of football players and the occurrence of behavior problems. At the same time, not much work was accomplished in the training matters. After October 1956, changes in the model of physical culture spurred social activities in the country. Thus the central provision of football development encouraged social activists in the Olsztyn area to create a cozy environment for their operation. With a large number of teams in the province, it quickly became the largest and most demanding group. They claimed financial support, often not being controlled. During those years, there was no clear long-term concept of football development. The provincial sports authorities and the political party were to be blamed for the state of affairs. All this situation contributed to the “sloppiness” of football in the region.
Key words: social activists, responsibility, the development of football, sloppiness, Olsztyn province
Słowa kluczowe: działacze społeczni, odpowiedzialność, rozwój piłki nożnej, „bylejakość”, województwo olsztyńskie
Krystyna Zatoń, Karolina Zatoń
Physical activity and health
„Physical activity is a key and a integral factor of healthy life style. It is impossible to plan health strategy without it or its development or maintenance and amongst children – correct growth. Lack of physical activity is the main and autonomous risk factor of vascular diseases” (Drabik 1996, s. 215). At this point it becomes important to acknowledge the definition of homeostasis put forward by W. Cannon (1932) in the thirties. This definition mostly refers to autoregulation of biological processes. In general it stands for internal and external balance of human body that can be changed by physical exercises.
Key words: physical activity, recreation, health
Słowa kluczowe: aktywność fizyczna, rekreacja, zdrowie
Paweł F. Nowak, Jan Supiński
Effect of long-distance running races on Polish participants’ health
In Poland, marathons are gaining in popularity among enthusiasts of running and healthy lifestyle in general. Universal participation of people in this extreme effort raises a number of questions about its effect on health, and consequently about the legitimacy to promote such events to the general public (to large sectors of society). The aim of this study was to identify the runners’ opinions based on their subjective feelings about the health aspects of participation in marathon races.
Material and methods.
This study included a group of 869 Polish amateur runners who declared at least one-year participation in running training. The research method was a diagnostic survey: a questionnaire developed by authors and implicit participant observation.
Results and conclusions.
Most of the runners claim that competing in marathon – and even longer distance runs – is a healthy way of spending leisure time, but skepticism is growing with the length of the training experience. Despite many injuries – arising from overload caused by exhausting trainings or competitions – the vast majority of runners believe that this form of activity is healthy. There is a need to inform about the negative health consequences of irrational training and participation in street runs.
Key words: marathon, health, runners
Słowa kluczowe: maraton, zdrowie, biegacze
Katarzyna Bulińska, Marta Koszczyc
Relaxation patterns in healthcare education of older mature age students
based on the example of the Third Age University at the University School
of Physical Education in Wroclaw
The elderly can react to stressful stimuli in an alternating fashion, i.e. they learn how to behave in a new situation, but then return to their previous behavior pattern. Regular participation in relaxation classes can help elderly people reduce their level of stress. The aim of the study was to explore the impact of participation in health tasks on the internalization patterns of relaxation activities at the University of the Third Age (UTA) participants.
Material and methods.
Fourteen students of the UTA at the University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw who took part in 10 relaxation classes answered a questionnaire which was the main research tool used. It consisted of open and closed questions focusing on the advantages of internalization acquired during the classes. It was followed by a direct interview which complemented the opinions of the subjects expressed in the questionnaire.
Most respondents gave the psychosocial category as a reason for choosing relaxation classes, mentioning benefits such as calming down, peace of mind and relaxation.
Students participating in relaxation classes attributed the greatest value to those action patterns that provided psychosocial feelings. The person running the class plays an important role in moderating the relaxation experience. A systematic relaxation training contributes to the occurrence of a “calming down reflex”.
Key words: relaxation, health, elderly people, education, University of the Third Age
Słowa kluczowe: relaksacja, zdrowie, osoby starsze, edukacja, uniwersytet trzeciego wieku
Jacek Olszewski-Strzyżowski, Remigiusz Dróżdż
Methods taken by hotel staff to overcome stressful situations
This study will analyse the sources of stress felt by staff in the hotel industry and the ways to relieve its impact. The details of stress is described together with indicators that reveal its source. With the ever increasing pace of life; the additional roles and responsibilities expected; and less free time to share with others as a release, the accumulated effects of these triggers become severe. With direct contact between hotel staff and members of the public/strangers, staff are subjected to many stressful situations over which they have little or no control. Any new staff member in the hotel industry can expect a stressful face-toface conversation sooner or later. The analysis of interviews and questionnaires discussed here, carried out in the Tri-City hotels shows that physical activity and sport is the most common method to relieve stress build up.
Key words: hotel, stress, physical activity, sport
Słowa kluczowe: hotel, stres, aktywność fizyczna i sportowa
Zygmunt Sawicki
Emotional reactions of German pupils during physical education lessons
Sports activity during physical education lessons is associated with different emotional reactions which can influence the attitude of pupils towards PE and practicing sports in general. There are positive as well as negative reactions. The aim of this study was to examine the emotional reactions of pupils of German grammar schools during PE lessons taking into consideration gender and size of the town.
Material and methods.
The study included 406 14-years-old students, 199 boys and 207 girls from South Germany. They filled in a special questionnaire that examines positive and negative emotional reactions in PE lessons.
The strongest positive emotions for the boys were: relaxation, positive attitude towards PE lessons and self-confidence. The strongest negative emotions were: anger, unpleasant experiences and anxiety. For the girls the strongest positive emotions were: relaxation, self-confidence and positive attitude towards PE lessons. The strongest negative emotions were: anxiety, fatigue and unpleasant experiences.
Statistical analysis showed that gender has an effect on the level of the students’ emotional reactions but the size of the town is irrelevent.
Key words: emotional reactions, students, German grammar schools, physical education
Słowa kluczowe: reakcje emocjonalne, uczniowie szkół niemieckich, wychowanie fizyczne
Andrzej Rokita, Ireneusz Cichy
Edubal as a new teaching method with the use of ball-centered fun activities –
research review
The aim of this study was to sum up the experiences gained during twelve-year research on effects of using educational balls called ‘edubal’ in PE classes in grades 1 to 3 of the primary school (i.e. children aged 7 to 10). The research was carried out in Poland an in Germany. The authors focused their attention on objectives and tasks of contemporary education of children aged 7 to 10 – first of all supporting and stimulating comprehensive development of children, especially with regard to improving coordinative motor abilities which determine, inter alia, reading and writing skills. Employment of ‘edubal’ education balls in early school education (grades 1 to 3 of the primary school) activates cognitive, emotional and physical spheres of a child and hence contributes to the integration of the subject content. The children while participating in PE classes with the use of education balls learn about letters, spelling rules, colours, mathematical signs and punctuation marks as well as numerous rules which are useful in linguistic and mathematical education and they shape their coordination abilities and improve physical skills. Moreover, they also develop their coordination abilities. ‘Edubal’ education balls have a much wider scope of application than it was the case twelve years ago. They are also used in occupational therapy of disabled persons and in work with dyslectic children who attend therapeutic schools.
Key words: early school education, exercise, ‘edubal’ educational balls
Słowa kluczowe: edukacja wczesnoszkolna, zajęcia ruchowe, piłki edukacyjne „edubal”
Marcin Ściślak, Andrzej Rokita, Małgorzata Kołodziej, Krzysztof Kałużny, Marek Popowczak
The forms of physical activity Wroclaw senior high school students
are interested in
Forms of physical activity people take up depend on sex, place of residence, age, season of the year and many other factors. The aim of the study was to find out what forms of physical activity senior high school students in Wrocław are interested in, and analyze them. It was assumed hypothetically that their interests depend upon sex, age and school the participants attended. In order to verify this hypothesis, the following research questions were posed: 1. Which forms of physical activity are senior high school students in Wrocław interested in? 2. Which of them are girls interested in and which are boys interested in? 3. Which forms of physical activity are students in various grades interested in (grades one, two and three)? 4. Which forms of physical activity are students of one school interested in and do they differ from those of students attending other schools? 5. Do interests in forms of physical activity depend upon age, sex and school?
The study comprised 789 students (486 girls and 303 boys) of grades 1–3 of six senior high schools in Wrocław. The basic research method was a diagnostic survey and the technique was a questionnaire. For the purpose of determining their interests in forms of physical activity, a standardized survey questionnaire was used: ‘Interests in the scope of physical activity’.
Key words: interest, forms of physical activity, senior high school student, physical education
Słowa kluczowe: zainteresowania, aktywność ruchowa, licealiści, wychowanie fizyczne
Lesław Kulmatycki
Motives for choosing the specialization in adapted physical education by female
and male students in Wroclaw University School of Physical Education
The SPE teacher is a part of developmentally appropriate physical education. In other words it is a physical activity that is adapted and modified to be appropriate for the person with a disability. The specialization in Adapted Physical Education in Wroclaw University School of Physical Education was established in 1997. This article reports data drawn from a survey of students’ views about their motivation to work with children with disabilities. The students were recruited from adapted physical education specialization provided by the University. The data were used to constitute six groups of the motives of adapted physical education students. The findings showed that the largest group of female students, more than 30 percent, decided to study adapted physical education because they “want to help others”. The largest groups of male students have chosen the specialization as a way of self-realization, more than 35 percent.
Key words: adapted physical education, specialty, motives, students
Słowa kluczowe: wychowanie fizyczne specjalne, specjalność, motywy, studenci
Kazimierz Denek
Pedagogical aspects of facultative and extramural classes conducted in the context
of sightseeing and tourism
Familiarity with the essence, function, rules, methods and organisational forms of facultative and extramural education conducted in the context of sightseeing and tourism belongs to the significant elements of knowledge of teachers, lecturers, and researchers in the knowledge society. The cognitive and pedagogical advantages of such classes advocate including them in the discussion on the reform of the education system, a swell as sightseeing and tourism education of children, youth, and adults as an important element of pedagogical progress and a determinant of future in tourism and tourism in the future.
Key words: education, sightseeing, motherland, patriotism, tourism, upbringing, facultative and extramural classes
Słowa kluczowe: edukacja, krajoznawstwo, Ojczyzna, patriotyzm, turystyka, wychowanie, zajęcia pozalekcyjne i pozaszkolne
Mateusz Naramski, Krzysztof Herman, Adam R. Szromek
Tourist product promotion instruments and their role
in tourist activity promoting
The paper is an attempt to identify the direction of development that promotion tasks could take, and the way promotion could be adapted to future market conditions, resulting from changes that take place in the modern society. The authors also present and discuss selected instruments of promotion, considering their application in tourism. The point is that tourist products strongly influence promotion tasks. As a result, promotion of a touristic product is significantly different than in any other case. The usage of traditional commercials may soon turn out ineffective. They should be replaced with messages that emphasize how unique the offered product is, ensure that it is original, and recommend contact with the local culture, more freedom, and place for individuality. One can say that commercials and PR are the most important promotion tools for tourist products, whereas sales promotion is the most significant complementary instrument. However, the need for new promotion models will arise that use modern market communication media and commercial messages adapted to the current market.
Key words: promotion, tourism, marketing mix
Słowa kluczowe: promocja, turystyka, marketing mix
Mirosław Marczak
The use of ambient marketing instruments in tourism
Ambient marketing includes any non-standard forms of marketing that combine marketing activities within the framework of both ATL (above the line) and BTL (below the line) strategies. The paper presents its examples in the tourist branch. In particular, it characterises the varieties of non-standard marketing, such as guerilla marketing, viral marketing trendsetting, buzz marketing, e-mail marketing and marketing games. Furthermore, examples are presented of the use of non-standard promotion means by various types of entities that function in a widely understood tourist market, including local government entities (e.g. communes, districts), local tourism organizations, regional tourism organizations, national tourism organizations and various companies that provide tourist services. In the article, a research thesis is accepted that ambient marketing instruments are more frequently used in the tourist market, which is developing so dynamically, and, on many occasions, their effectiveness is considerably greater than that of traditional marketing instruments.
Key words: ambient intelligence, ambient marketing, ambient media, promotion
Słowa kluczowe: inteligentne otoczenie, ambient marketing, ambient media, promocja
Marzena Józefczyk
Perspectives of equestrian tourism development in Poland
Equestrian tourism in Poland has been developing very fast recently. Hundreds of kilometres of new horse itineraries are created every year, with the growing number of small family companies organizing horse hacking. Although the potential of equestrian tourism development in Poland is undoubtedly very high, it faces considerable threats. From the early 1990’s, the Polish law does not allow horse riding in the National Forests except on marked trails or with the Head Forester Agreement (The Forest Act from September 28th 1991, Chapter 5). An attempt to restrict horse hacking in the forests goes even further with the recent proposal of creating ‘toll horse trails’ (paid paths dedicated only to equestrian tourists) to avoid environmental impact of horse hacking. At the same time, there is no published research showing the actual environmental impact of horse riding in the Polish wilderness. The results of Australian, American or North European studies in the National Parks cannot be simply transferred into Central European conditions. The article discusses possible scenarios of equestrian tourism development in Poland. The SWOT analysis helped to identify the main threats and chances, after many interviews among equestrian tourism activists and the author’s observations during 5 years of researching horse-based tourism. Besides an attempt to predict equestrian tourism future in Poland, the paper shows the specificity and uniqueness of this form of activity. The conclusions might be useful for the authorities responsible for regulating equestrian tourism in Poland, as well as for environmentalists. It is important to emphasize that horse-based tourism should develop in a sustainable way. This goal can only be achieved if environmental protection is well balanced with the need of rural regions development.
Key words: equestrian tourism, horse trails, itineraries, sustainable development, SWOT analysis
Słowa kluczowe: turystyka jeździecka, szlaki konne, rozwój zrównoważony, analiza SWOT
Renata Rasińska, Wiesław Siwiński
Medical tourism – travels in search of health in the opinion of women aged 40–60
Medical tourism is considered a conscious human activity in which a traveller is aimed at getting health care to maintain better health or aesthetic look of their own body, combined with relaxation, regeneration of mental and physical power, exploring amenities and entertainment. The aim of the study was the analysis of adult women’s opinions on medical tourism and on cross-border healthcare.
Material and methods.
In the study, 89 adult women from Great Poland aged 40–60 took part. The results were collected by means of the author’s diagnostic survey.
Results and conclusions.
The researched people did not know the definition of medical tourism, they associated it with health tourism (wellness and spa). Medical tourism is becoming more and more popular. Low prices, a dedicated staff, high standards of medical care, and a central location are advantages of Poland. To make a reasonable choice, patients must have an access to all the information they need on health services abroad, so it is important to accept the law that implements directives on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare.
Key words: medical tourism, cross-border healthcare
Słowa kluczowe: turystyka medyczna, transgraniczna opieka zdrowotna
Magdalena Kachniewska, Anna Para
Generation Y on the tourism labour market: facts, myths, and challenges
In the recent years, there has been a significant growth in the role of personal strategy in creating and developing competitive advantages of a company. More emphasis is put on the function of employees and their skills in assuring competitiveness on the market. Tourism industry is exceptionally dependent on human capital and its quality. For this reason it is extremely important to know the attitudes, needs, and expectations towards workplaces in tourism. Nowadays, representatives of Generation Y start to dominate the labour market. This paper sheds some light on the relations between the characteristics of Generation Y and its presence on the tourism labour market. The authors analyse Generation Y specific features and its value on the tourism labour market. The paper contains findings of the study on work quality perception in the tourism industry.
Key words: Generation Y, tourism, labour market, human resources management
Słowa kluczowe: pokolenie Y, turystyka, rynek pracy, zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi
Jacek Borzyszkowski
The phenomenon of seasonality in tourism: the essence of the problem and activities
undertaken by national tourist policy entities aimed at its limitation
The article covers one of the most essential problems of the present-day tourism, i.e. its seasonal nature, and the undertaken activities aimed at its limitation. The issue, which is characteristic of a straight majority of destinations, accounts for a number of negative effects on the tourist market. In the paper, apart from theoretical deliberations concerning the seasonal nature, examples are presented of activities undertaken by selected national tourism entities aimed at limiting the phenomenon. A review of information available from 15 European states clearly proved the essential role of these activities in the tourist policy. The examples presented show a widening scope of the undertakings. Thereby, the analysed problem is becoming a more and more important issue of many tourist policy aspects concerning individual destinations.
Key words: seasonality, state, tourism policy, activities
Słowa kluczowe: sezonowość, kraj, polityka turystyczna, działania
Maria Burmecha-Olszowy
Slow tourism: features and functions of the new trend
Slow tourism is a new trend in tourism development. It combines sustainable tourism (which means that economical, environmental, and social aspects are important) and responsible tourism. The idea of the ‘slow’ is linked with culture, cuisine, nature, and society. The main aim is living in harmony with nature. Everybody should think about their own influence on the environment. This is the first step in protecting nature. The main purpose of this article is to explain the difference between farm stay accommodations in Poland which are connected with slow food, slow tourism or slow life with those which are not. Moreover, the author wants to present slow tourists – who they are, and what needs they have.
Key words: slow tourism, sustainable tourism, ecotourism, the contemporary tourist
Słowa kluczowe: slow tourism, turystyka zrównoważona, ekoturystyka, współczesny turysta
Marek Nowacki
Current trends in the development of tourist attractions
The paper discusses the main trends in the tourist attractions market in Poland and in the world. Focused on thematic park and museum sectors, it points at the following trends: the absorption of modern technology, co-creating museums by the local and virtual community, expanding the range of services provided, and implementation of new ideas – especially of the idea of a participatory museum.
Key words: tourist attractions, developmental trends, museums, thematic parks
Słowa kluczowe: atrakcje turystyczne, tendencje rozwojowe, muzea, parki tematyczne
Wojciech Fedyk, Izabela Gruszka, Anna Krajewska-Smardz
The assessment of the Polish tourist brand in the opinion of foreign tourists
The article presents the image of the Polish tourism brand as perceived by foreign tourists. The survey conducted in Venice (Italy) shows that Poland does not have a strong tourism brand, and the knowledge of foreigners about Poland is very poor and stereotypical. The authors attempted to identify the key issues that influenced the Polish tourism image in the context of the needs connected with the commercialization of Poland’s tourism potential.
Key words: tourism brand, tourist image
Słowa kluczowe: marka turystyczna, wizerunek turystyczny
Anetta Majchrzak-Jaszczyk
Tourist traffic between European Union countries – panel data analysis
The author examined the tourist traffic between European Union countries from 2003 till 2011, and the economic factors impacting it. The correlations between the number of tourist trips and income, price factors were calculated on the basis of Eurostat data, with the use of statistic methods and panel data analysis. The author estimated the fixed effect one way error models for each of the 28 EU countries and for the whole community. The relation of price level indices in the visited country to the same indicator in the country of the tourist’s place of living turned out a crucial and statistically significant factor. The number of trips falls with increase of this relation. The consumers travel not so willingly to countries where costs of living rise quicker than in their homeland. The effect of the PLI factor is much stronger for partner countries which are not neighbour countries. Neither the GDP per capita, nor the consumer price index turned out significant for changes in the number of tourist trips between EU countries.
Key words: demand, income, price factor, correlation, model, tourist traffic
Słowa kluczowe: popyt, dochód, czynnik cenowy, korelacja, model, ruch turystyczny
Adam Piasecki, Paulina Tomczykowska
Lake tourism in protected areas on the example of the Powidz Landscape Park
Background. The authors attempt to discuss the issue of tourism development in protected areas on the example of the Powidz Landscape Park. Contemporarily protected areas, thanks to their exceptional landscape values, are important attractions, stimulating tourism development, and thus may form a major potential for the advantage of many municipalities. On the basis of literature analysis, the notion of lake tourism was explained. Material and methods. The authors applied a general method known as ‘desk research’. The study was based on an analysis of the existing material in the form of data and information publicized by individual municipalities of the Powidz Landscape Park. Results and conclusions. The results prove the important role of protected areas in tourism development. In protected areas or their immediate vicinities, tourism infrastructure develops, which is a reaction to the rising demand or an attempt to utilize the potential seen in the touristic use of the areas. The study has shown that lake tourism could be a topic of research from various points of view.
Key words: lake tourism, the Powidz Landscape Park, naturally valuable areas
Słowa kluczowe: turystyka jeziorna, Powidzki Park Krajobrazowy, obszary cenne przyrodniczo
Leszek Korzewa, Ewa Misiołek, Adrianna Skarbowska
Running tourism in Poland in the opinion of participants in the mass runs
Running tourism began to develop along with a growing popularity of running as a form of recreation. The aim of this study was to define the concept of running tourism and to find out the Polish runners’ motives for participation in this form of tourism.
Material and methods.
The research tool was a questionnaire developed by the authors. It was possible to fill it in during the Cracovia Marathon (04.22.2012) or online; 186 runners answered 20 questions in the detailed part of questionnaire.
Results and conclusions.
The runners chose the competition venue taking into account the length of the run and the distance from the place of residence. Other important factors were also: attractiveness of the competition, atmosphere and a desire to visit interesting places after participating in the competition. Awareness of running tourism among the runners in Poland is low. The majority of respondents (74%) stated they knew this term, but only 47% of respondents clearly admits participating in it. In Poland the form of running tourism – a guided running tour – does not exist, but it is a niche sector of travel services that has not been developed yet.
Key words: long distance running, running tourism, Guided Running Tour, lifestyle, motivation
Słowa kluczowe: biegi długodystansowe, turystyka biegowa, Guided Running Tour, styl życia, motywacje
Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego
we Wrocławiu
al. Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego 35
51-612 Wrocław